Terms & conditions

This site is intended to provide general information only.
Although Logan City Council takes care in producing the content for its website, it does not guarantee the information on the site is accurate, complete, or current, or that the data on the site is free from defects or malicious code such as viruses.
Logan City Council does not accept any responsibility to you if you incur any loss or damage (however it was caused) in connection with the use of this site or any website linked to this site.
Logan City Council may not have any control over content contained on other websites, including sites linked to from this site. Just because the Logan City Council links to another site does not mean that the Logan City Council endorses or approves of that site, its operators, or any particular content on that site.
Unless otherwise indicated, the information on this site is owned or licensed by the Logan City Council. Except as provided in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), reproduction or adaptation of the content on this site is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Logan City Council (or the relevant copyright owner).
The Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) recognises the importance of protecting the personal information of individuals. It creates a right for individuals to access and amend their own personal information and provides rules for how agencies may and must handle personal information. The IP Act sets out:
- Obligations to comply with privacy principles and the circumstances in which Logan City Council does not need to comply.
- The access and amendment regime for documents containing an applicant’s personal information.
- How and when people can take their privacy complaints to Logan City Council.
Logan City Council is committed to fulfilling its obligations under the IP Act and has adopted an appropriate privacy policy to ensure its practices meet these obligations.
If you are dissatisfied with how your personal information has been handled, you may lodge a privacy complaint.
Privacy collection notice
Logan City Council may collect your personal information, in order to conduct its business and/or meet its statutory obligations. The information will be accessed and/or transferred to business partners, contractors, employees and/or Councillors of Logan City Council for Council business-related activities. Your information will also be released as required and/or authorised by law.
Overseas transfer of data and privacy of personal information
By using this website you are agreeing to allow your personal information to be transferred overseas. While Council endeavours to control the use and disclosure of your personal information, Council does not offer any warranty or guarantee that unauthorised use and/or release will not occur and cannot be held liable for any privacy breaches.